- The members table in MS Access file
- The Notepad++ tool should be used to write HTML
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Week #13: Writing Your Own Functions!
This is the last week of regular classroom activities.
- NEW! Here is the payroll function demo we did in class.
- Lecture on user-defined functions.
- In-class lab on functions uses LabFunc.cpp (right-click, choose “Save As…”)
Also during labtime I will be available to help people on the homework problem if you are still stuck.
The Final Exam is NOT cumulative as reported earlier (whew!) There will be no number conversions and so on. Topics covered are
- Process Management
- Database
- Introduction to C++
- Variables and operators
- Types and I/O
- Branching
- Loops
- User-written functions
It has been my great privilege to be able to introduce you to computer science and I strongly feel that each of you will do extremely well to go to take CPS 171 C++ Programming or CPS 161 Java Programming.
Week #12: Fun with looping
This week we are going to get into gross detail on how to do loops in C++: for-loop, while-loop, and do-while loop. Items are as follows (and we will do them in this order!)
- Control Structures, Part II (Repetition)
- Loops Worksheet (an in-class exercise, not handed in)
Lab on Loops (hand in by end of class)
- LabLoops.cpp you will load this into Visual Studio and compile it (Right-click the link and choose “Save As…” from your browser)
- LabLoops.txt this is the data file you’ll be using with LabLoops.cpp
Homework extension YAY!!
You have until May 1 to complete the coupon program.
Week #10: Introduction to Visual C++
This week we will start to use Visual Studio and write some simple C++ programs.
Visual Studio 2008 Express Download
You can use this version of Visual Studio to get you through the last 4 weeks of the class if you don’t have it already or don’t want to buy it yet. If you go on to take CPS171, you’ll definitely (probably) want to buy it at some point. Make sure you download the “C++ Edition”, not any of the other choices
Week #9 – HTML and content management
Week #8: Introduction to Networks, MS Access homework
Welcome to Week #8!
- PowerPoint presentation on Networks and the Internet
- Microsoft Access homework problem
Please NOTE: you will need to create the tables for this problem yourself. Khaled says it should only take 10 minutes and I’ll do a demo in class where you can follow along with me. Use the data from the homework sheet to create your tables. We’ll have time in class to work on your homework on Saturday so you can get a good start on it.
Week #7: Relational Databases
- Chapter 7: PowerPoint slides (PDF)
- Premiere Products Database in
- Microsoft Access 2000 – 2003 format (“MDB”)
- Microsoft Access 2007 format (“ACCDB”)
- Lab on Databases with MS Access
Week #6: Powerpoint and Midterm review questions!
- PowerPoint for Week #6
- Lab for Week #6
Midterm Review
- Page 21
- Page 55, Exercise 3-4
- Page 89. Exercises 1 thru 4
- Page 115. Exercises 1 thru 5, 7, 15
Week #5: PowerPoint, Homework, Lab
Triple play this week: new PowerPoint, Homework #4, and an in-class lab (due at end of class). It will take me a couple hours to finish posting all this stuff but check back later in the day to see more….
Demos in class
- Selection Sort, a program in VisualLogic
- Highest earner/hours, a parallel array demo in VisualLogic